Trying to get the attention of a potential employer? Some would argue that the best way to do this is to have an original resume that will stand out (even in strange ways) from the others.
Here, we’ll highlight five weird and bizarre resumes that might have actually gotten their owners noticed, and then hired.
1. This guy rented a billboard. You can, too!
For something in the neighborhood of $300, depending on your location, you too can rent an electronic billboard and put your face and contact information or website on it, saying, “Hire Me!”
In fact, Bennett Olson, of Bloomington, Minnesota scored a marketing position within 24 hours! This clever guy got the idea from a movie he saw, I Love You Man, and the idea clearly paid off.
2. Infographic Resume
This is amazing and extremely clever, and actually got this man started in creating infographic resumes for others! By creating a design that looks like a massive infographic you might see in a magazine, or on someone’s website, or PowerPoint presentation, this man is able to present useful information about job seekers in an eye-catching manner.
He even weaves in his life story about why he lived in China, then Boston (where he broke up with his girlfriend and then moved to Costa Rica), Baltimore, New York, Peru … the list goes on. The creative, image-filled display and autobiographical approach that includes “Praise” or quotes from impressive folks is truly compelling and original.
3. Just kinda cute
This young guy writes that his skills are, “Calm bartering, an uncanny ability to make people laugh, and can lift 80 lb barbells,” and cites that one of his awards in the fall semester of college in 2004 was “Mr. Country Western Fashion.”
His objective is the best: “To ascertain a highly fulfilling level of happiness and to dominate the competition on a daily, sometimes hourly basis. I want to be the best at everything I do, whether it be to get you a Starbucks coffee or to negotiate a multi-billion dollar merger between international juggernauts.”
For that alone, you would probably hire him for a customer service role. Especially because he’s only looking for a salary of “$37,000 or higher (This is slightly negotiable depending on the size of publication).”

4. Amazon.com template
This guy built an online resume that looks and functions exactly like an Amazon.com product page. It’s pretty impressive how the resume owner utilizes the Product Details section to describe himself. For example:
Product Dimensions: Height: 186 cm
Shipping: This item is available for shipping anywhere in the world
Average Customer Review: (he shows 5 stars and links to ‘5 previous positions’)
Well played!
5. Hmmm..it’s honest
This guy is just plain straightforward and hilarious, with his objective stating, “To claw my way to the top using any means necessary… but then be a fair and just ruler, and bring your company to new heights, or whatever.”
He does cite “Cat-like reflexes – now you see me, meow you don’t,” has a “horse-like laugh” that he says is optional, and he can “moonwalk quite well.” Finally, getting to his more refined skills, he cites that he has “enough knowledge to write an essay on pretty much any subject (without researching it).” What more could an employer want?
So, whether or not you’re competent with HTML and can build a great Amazon or Google-like resume, or simply are a comeback kid, there are many different and bizarre ways to attract the attention of employers.
Don’t let your resume just eek into the fold. Try something new and bold next time, bordering on the bizarre – it could do you more favors than not! And if you’re an employer, it’s a good idea to consider folks who think outside of the box about their resume. They could add a great deal of creativity to your own workplace (for better or for worse! Ha!).
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Cara Aley is a freelance writer who covers a wide variety of topics from online reputation management for Reputation.com to digital marketing strategy.
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