We NO longer accept guest blog contributions.
Policies updated January 2023.
We reserve the right to change these policies at any time.
The Work at Home Woman is looking for experienced guest bloggers who can write original, high-quality content for The Work at Home Woman.
Would you like to contribute?
Advantages for You:
- Featured blog posts will include your name, a short bio, and a link back to your blog or website.
- Blog posts are promoted across our network of THOUSANDS of women and moms via Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and Biz Sugar.
- Articles are featured in our newsletter, which goes out to 60,000+ individuals.
- Writing a guest post for TWAHW is an excellent way for you to promote your blog or business!
- Being a guest contributor helps to distinguish you as an expert in your field.
- First — we are very selective about what we publish.
- We do not allow writers to use AI tools like ChatGPT to create their content – all content must be original and written in your own words. Bonus points for including personal stories and experiential evidence.
- Guest blog posts are reserved for bloggers and authors. If you want to submit an article for a commercial website, it’s considered sponsored content. In this case, it’s not a guest blog post, nor are you a guest blogger. Please see our advertising page for rates and conditions.
- The focus of your article should be on providing useful and practical information that educates the reader. Commentary posts will not be accepted.
- Your article should be written with our target audience in mind – American women, who are looking to work-from-home, and those who already do.
- There should be a good fit between our audiences.
- Posts written for the sole purpose of SEO and ranking keywords will not be accepted.
- Sloppy and poorly written articles will be declined.
- All blog posts must be in English, with proper grammar and spelling usage.
- We run all posts through Copyscape. If any part of your post is found to be plagiarized, it will not be used, and you will not be able to write for The Work at Home Woman ever.
- Contributors found of copyright infringement will be legally and financially responsible for any claims made by the intellectual property owners.
- Articles must be edited before submission.
- We reserve the right to edit your post for brevity, grammar, and readability.
- We reserve the right to remove, unpublish, or rewrite your post if it becomes irrelevant, outdated, needs refreshing, or no longer fits within our guidelines.
- Make sure your article includes a catchy title and proper formatting and structure.
- Length should be 1,000–2,000 words.
- Contributors should reply to comments left on their articles.
- No promotional or affiliate links are allowed. Only links that enhance the material are permitted; however, we reserve the right to remove links that are not a good fit.
- At the end of your article, you will be allowed to include a short bio with one link. If at any time we feel your link is no longer relevant or it’s inappropriate, we reserve the right to remove it.
- Requests for specific publication dates will not be accepted.
- Please take the time to read through some of our articles – submissions that are too similar in nature to articles that have already been published will be declined.
- You may republish articles on your own site or for another publication as long as the links remain intact and we’re credited as the original source.
- The Work at Home Woman retains ownership of all work submitted.
Work-at-Home Issues- Work-at-Home Ideas and Occupations
- How to Make Money From Home
- Ways to Earn Extra Money
Business Tips and StrategiesWork & Life Balance, Time Management, ProductivityMarketing, PR, Social Media Marketing- Home Business Ideas
- Work-at-Home Scams
- Blogging
- Career Tips
We are NOT accepting guest blog contributions at this time.
Hi, I’m a newbie blogger and I’d really love to contribute. I have written lots of articles about property, but am also a freelance writer in my spare time. I’d love love love to write for you! Could you let me know how I might make this a reality??
thanks a million!!
Excellent! I also accept guest bloggers over at geekmom.net. If I run across anyone interested in guest blogging on other sites I will be sure to send them over. Thanks.
I have been blogging for almost a year about having a home-based business and how to market one. I also talk about the latest real home-based businesses. I also accept guest post about anything that has to do with working at home.
Hello! Browsing and found your website. Very informative! I am interested in having an opportunity to provide content as a guest blogger on your site. A little about me, I’m a 38 y/o male, father of two, and currently building my home business part time. I have recently discovered enjoyment in writing content and articles that in my opinion are different from the ‘run of the mill’ articles that seemed spun with keywords and such. I’ve really adapted an approach that simply tells a story and provides solutions to others issues via a Servant Leadership mentality. Basically, I want to build my business by just being myself and not trying to nail some fancy keyword. Relationship building is a huge factor I would like to continue to grow through various mediums. I would enjoy an opportunity to submit an original article and keep up with the content requirements outlined in the original post. Thank you so much for your consideration!
I’m not too sure if you are still looking for guest bloggers? If so I would be very interested in providing you with some content. I am a health professional with a health related website. Thanks Ellie
Hi Ellie – Please send me an email with 2-3 topics ideas and we can go from there. Email address is holly (at) theworkathomewoman (dot) com.
IF you are still accepting guest blog posts, I’d love to write one on self employment.
I would love the chance to do some guest blogging for your site. I am a new entrepreneur with a blog, FB page, twitter, Tumblr site and a website. I have been working from home now for about 4 years as an Instructional Designer. Let me know if you might be interested. I can write on a lot of your identified topics:
• Work at Home Issues
• Self-Employment
• How to Get More Clients & Bookings **
• How to Make More Money **
• Entrepreneur Concerns
• Business Tips and Strategies
• Work & Life Balance, Time Management **
• Marketing **
• Social Networking **
• Work at Home Scams
• Blogging **
• Finding Your Niche
• Resume Tips & How to Land a Job
I would love to be a guest blogger. You can check out my writing style on my blog. http://wifeymommypreneur.blogspot.com and e-mail me if your interested in having me participate! Thanks! Have a wonderful week. :)
I’m game!
Hello Holly,
I would love to be a guest contributor to your site. You can check out my blog at: http://haneefwisdom.wordpress.com
Hi Holly,
Thank you for extending such a wonderful opportunity to bloggers on the Web!
Would The Work at Home Woman by any chance be seeking guest blog content on financial aid (for themselves, or their children) as well as content on how to get out of debt and maintain a family budget? That’s my content niche, and I’d love to discuss it more with you.
I will send you an email soon.
Hi Holly,
I was just reading over the blogger profiles to see if you had anyone addressing the Mom-work-fitness balance and was going to write you. Then …I saw your post on Twitter about needing guest bloggers! I have my own fitness business and do many workshops on the balance of health/fitness/mamahood in addition to blogging for The Power MOB, http://www.powerfitnesspdx.blogspot.com and http://www.powerofyoufitness.blogspot.com. I also owned a business and my old blog has many posts I can send you if you like.
Let me know what other requirements you are looking for. I look forward to hearing from you.
I am interested. You probably remember me- I had written here before and would like to continue.We also follow each other in Twitter. Let me know more about the requirements you have. My web site is:
I also write in E zine.
Take care. Dita.
Dear Holly,
Email did not work so I’m entering my interest in your site here. I would love to participate. My blog is http://www.imagemaker1.com/wordpress.
Thank you for putting up a site like this that will forward many people.
Dr. Joyce
Hello! I would love to participate, if you are still seeking guest bloggers! I have a little business in which I do both handmade jewelry and recycle vintage and yard sale cast-offs (furniture and home wares) by painting bold graphics on them, changing them from an unwanted piece to a conversation piece. My blog has some photos, but there is also a flickr link there, if you are interested. My little business is just getting started, but I’m raring to go!
Leona, 43 yr old Mom of one 4-almost-5 yr old girl. I am a professional illustrator, and freelance out of my home. But to stay attached to some of my painting “roots”, I like to paint ad recycle items and paint kids’ rooms.
I like stuff. I like making stuff, fixing stuff, painting stuff. And I’m always looking to create something new, or give something old a new twist. The first project was one salvaged and unsuspecting kitchen-type chair which received a couple coats of paint and a huge red dahlia painted on it. Which is why my shop is called “Very Happy Chair”.
Follow along as I’m getting ready to morph this hobby into a craft business. Bumps and all.
Hi Leona,
I would love to have you as a guest blogger! I’m be emailing you shortly.