As work-at-home women, there’s a lot to juggle and plenty of room for roadblocks to creep in. You’re likely managing the kids, school, the laundry, cleaning, meal preparation, and your work. Oh, and I didn’t even mention the ever-important self-care time that often goes overlooked?
With all of this multi-tasking, you will likely encounter some roadblocks along the way. Roadblocks appear like little brick walls. They keep you from getting what you want – your desired results. They leave you feeling frustrated, irritated, and often depleted. They can have an effect on your mood, your productivity, and your relationships.
Here’s the good news – these “roadblocks” are not as hard as you think to breakthrough.
Let’s call it what it is.
Here’s the truth – roadblocks show up in the form of beliefs or excuses.
Here are some examples:
- I don’t have enough time
- I don’t have enough money
- I’ll never make money
- I don’t know enough
- I’m too tired
- And the list can go on and on
Reflect on your own situation, can you relate to any of these? I’m sure you can, and you can probably come up with even more than what I listed here.
Here are four strategies you can use to break through, get results, and feel better!
1. Acknowledge – The first step is to acknowledge your roadblock and label it what it is.
- Is it an excuse or some type of self-limiting belief that you carry?
- Is it fear? Fear of the unknown or fear of failure?
- Is it self-doubt or lack of confidence?
- Is it self-sabotage? Could you possibly be sabotaging your own best efforts and hard work?
Whatever it is, you just need to acknowledge it, label it, and own it because guess what? It’s okay to feel that way! It’s what you do with it that creates the block.
2. Tune Into Your Feelings – There is so much that is tied to the way we feel.
Let’s say for example you feel like you’ll never make money. How does that make you feel? Likely you will feel frustrated, tired, irritated, overwhelmed, unsuccessful, and discouraged. Pretty heavy stuff, right?
Now let’s look at the opposite, let’s say you became clear about a realistic amount of money that you could make. It may mean signing a new client (or two), getting new orders, or getting some party bookings, whatever it is – be clear about that number. For example, let’s assume that you knew (because it’s a realistic goal that you can believe) that you could get two new clients that would generate $800 extra in revenue for the month. How would that make you feel? Pretty fantastic, I bet!
It would make you feel excited, free, joyful, successful, and happy. I’m sure you would be thinking of all the ways the additional income could help your family. These positive feelings are literally life-changing.
I’m sure just by reading through this list of emotions you can feel the ‘weight’ of the difference. The first feels heavy and burdensome, while the second feels light and free. Can you imagine what you can create when you feel light and free? With these “roadblocks” removed, you can create anything!
3. Intentional Action – When you hit a roadblock what do you do?
- Do you shut down?
- Do you get frustrated?
Well, it’s probably a combination of things, but one thing is for certain our action feels like it’s taking us nowhere but into a brick wall over and over again.
I want you to imagine what you would do and what action you would take if you were feeling excited, free, joyful, successful, and happy. Would it be different than the action you would be taking if you were frustrated, tired, irritated, overwhelmed, unsuccessful, and discouraged? It sure would be!
Once you can become clear about what’s really causing the roadblock and how you feel, you will be more equipped to take intentional action and feel good about it in the process. It breaks the cycle.
4. Your Desired Results – The bottom line is that no matter what, we want positive results.
Who doesn’t? Whether it’s more clients, more bookings, more customers, or just more free time, we want to feel satisfied to get to the end result and enjoy the process.
It’s very easy to see that feeling frustrated and irritated only gets you similar results. You actually feel more frustrated and irritated creating more self-doubt and discouragement.
Alternatively, when you label and become clear on what is standing in your way – you will feel lighter and free leading to happiness and success and much more of the results that you desire.
In the end, it’s very important to tune into who you are and why you do what you do. There will always be speed bumps and roadblocks along the way – it’s just a fact of life. When you can apply these tools and strategies to quickly clear these out, you’ll be over the bumps much quicker and onto more opportunities for growth and success.
Deanna Collins is a coach, speaker, and author. She is passionate about working with women – helping them move from frustrated and stuck to happy and thriving. Deanna has an affinity for helping women in business utilize the unlimited power and potential of social media marketing in their business. She truly believes that when you market from the ‘heart-center,’ you become organically client attractive.
Excellent article! I am going to share it with my team!
Thoughts become things: “If you think you can, or if you think you can’t, either way, you’re right.” -Henry Ford