I remember the first time I left my blog all alone. We were going on a cruise ship for a seven-night vacation, and I decided to totally disconnect since the ship's internet speed is known for being notoriously slow. My blog was only a couple of years old, so at the time I didn't have a regular virtual assistant to back me up, but, I ... Read More
Business Strategy
Direct Sales Consultants: Are You Losing Customers By Doing These 6 Acts?
Over the years, I have hosted numerous in-home parties for direct sales consultants, as well as I’ve been to my fair share of parties. Even though I’ve never been a direct sales consultant myself, through my experiences, directly and indirectly, I have learned a lot about the direct sales industry. Because I work with so many direct ... Read More
Are You Guilty of Making These Six Marketing Mistakes?
You just launched your new business, and you can’t wait to get out there and promote it! You’ve read about all the success that people are having with social media, guest blogging, email marketing, and creating strategic partnerships to accelerate their growth. And you’re ready to do the same! You start scoping out individuals to ... Read More
8 Huge Business Mistakes Made by Mom Entrepreneurs
As a mompreneur, I know how tough it can be to juggle a new business, your family, and your personal life – honestly, there never seems to be enough hours in the day. But just because you’re strapped for time or money, doesn't mean it's okay to cut corners, compromise your integrity, or act rude or snarky. If you want to build ... Read More
What Will Happen to Your Business if Tragedy Strikes – My Personal Story
Illness, death, divorce, natural disasters - these events can turn your world and your business upside down. I know because I recently experienced my own personal tragedy. Seven weeks ago, I received the unexpected news that I was pregnant. Surprised, to say the least, my husband and I welcomed the news with great excitement. From ... Read More
The Fine Line Between Self-Promotion and SPAM
What's up with all the SPAM?! I have been inundated with it lately. From unwanted newsletters, and Facebook messages, to unsolicited tweets from random people wanting me to vote for them, sign-up for their webinar, or purchase their direct sales product. But it doesn't stop there, without permission, business owners and bloggers post ... Read More
Avoid These Pitfalls When Packaging Your Product
I love getting packages in the mail, especially from companies like Ralph Lauren where they send you a sleek white box, filled with fancy wrappings, and extras that make you feel like a million dollars! Well, this past week I received a couple of packages in the mail; one box contained some cookies that I won from a contest on ... Read More
7 Key Marketing Strategies for Your Home-Based Business
You've just launched your new home-based business, and now it's time to start promoting it to attract new customers. As a first-time business owner and entrepreneur, I know how difficult it can be to market your business on a shoestring budget, but there is hope. Here are seven inexpensive marketing strategies to increase your ... Read More