Freelance writers often work-from-home, as opposed to paying for office space. Women who choose this career path may want the flexibility of being able to work on their own schedule in order to balance family responsibilities.
These writing websites can help you find the gig you want, hone your presentation and land your next at home job.
1. Work Awesome
Work Awesome is a one-stop shop for finding available work and getting the low down on news that matters to freelancers.
- Worried about how to handle your taxes
- Wondering how much stock you should put into criticism from clients?
- Looking for ways to make your query letter, presentation or video application really resonate with clients?
Work Awesome has you covered. Best of all, they take submissions from anyone and, if you get in, your name, bio, and a direct link to your own website will be on a page rank six site.
WriteJobs is a great way to spend a Monday morning. This site collects leads for you and posts them every weekday. Handy tabs let you browse through leads from go-to websites like Craigslist as well as other ‘freelance for hire’ websites and more traditional paying literary markets. Separate tabs will guide you to opportunities for home-based editors and free writing contests.
This site is chock full of information for writers. Visit the Jobs section to check out ads for bloggers and freelance writers. Since clients pay to post their ads, you may find higher paying work here but the competition is a bit steeper as well so bring your A-game. The Archives tab is a great resource if you want help with a specific writing-related topic.
As its name implies, offers more than just writing jobs. If you have a budding interest in graphic design, television, web development or anything else this could yield plenty of work. Although some jobs are for specific locations, they offer positions available for work at home freelancers. You may also find a client in your city who would be flexible about working arrangements if you were a stellar candidate, so consider applying for opportunities in your area and pitching your services on a telecommute basis.
You can post your resume or apply for jobs directly on They focus on professional journalists so if you don’t have a degree or some amazing experience under your belt, it could be hard to land a job here. You can search by location, keyword or requirements to find the perfect gig and local and national newspapers, as well as independent magazines, often post opportunities here.
6. Write to Done
Write to Done offers a way for writers to work on their skills and learn how to write more effectively and attract not simply more work – but a higher quality of work. Write to Done is operated by a group of dedicated professional writers and relies on its larger community to help shape the website. That means you can send submissions to the website and get plenty of exposure while building both your portfolio and your following.
7. People Per Hour
People Per Hour adds a twist to the usual freelance job posting website by allowing both freelancers and clients to post job opportunities or new ideas. Freelancers can post a gig offering jobs like ‘I can design your WordPress website in a day’ or ‘I’ll revamp your company logo in an hour’. Clients can take them up on their offer or use it as a springboard to brainstorm on other projects.
8. The Write Life
The Write Life is more than just another writing website – it embraces the entire writing lifestyle and aims to improve the lives of readers by improving the life and experience of writers all over the world. Although The Write Life does accept submissions, it’s more about offering a safe place for writers to come together and clear their minds, exchange ideas and network with other writers and creative professionals. It uses a friendly magazine format and has just released a mobile reading app for writers who can only relax when they’re not in front of their primary machines.
For writers who love trawling through jobs on various websites, Freelance Writing Gigs is for you. They harvest gigs from a variety of sources and put them together so you can browse through and find your next writing job before you’ve finished that morning cup of coffee.
10. Make a Living Writing
Make a Living is an online community that offers both free and paid resources for being a successful freelance writer. With options like the Freelance Writers Den (an online community and training portal) to income accelerators, there are options for both new and intermediate writers alike.
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Leslie Anglesey is an educator and blogger who loves sharing tips online. She is an editor at Essay Tigers and is always ready to help others to bring passion to their work.
akshay rohida
fiverr and freelancer is best
People Per Hour is a scam! Any cursory look at online reviews (of which there are hundreds) will tell you this. They scammed me out of £100 and I later learned this was not a one off incident. The writer should be more responsible in promoting these sites
Holly - The Work at Home Woman
Hi Annette, Can you elaborate how you got scammed by them? I’ve always read good things about People Per Hour, so if they’re doing something shady I would obviously want to remove them from my resources.
Cristina Rogers
Text-Writers is another great website for freelance writers to start their career and earn regular income every month.
Holly - The Work at Home Woman
Thanks for sharing, Cristina!
thanks for information,www.upwork and is my first freelancing website.
Tom Tafutto
People Per Hour is a scam. Their clients aren’t real, they rip people off left and right. Do a Google search on “People Per Hour” and “scam”. They charge freelancers to “promote” themselves, that’s where their real money comes from. You should do some research before you post this info. Some of these sites waste a lot of people’s time and money.
Holly - The Work at Home Woman
Hi Tom, Have you personally had a bad experience with them? I’ve had a lot of readers who have had positive results with them. Danny Margulies has had tremendous success using a freelance bidding platform: Not all sites or platforms are going to be a good fit for all job seekers/writers. It’s up to each individual to decide what’s appropriate for them.